Sukkot is a few days after Yom Kippur which means a lot of scrambling to get it all together before the next set of Yom Tov (Holy) days.
In a nutshell, the Sukkah is a booth (hut?) that needs to have certain characteristics. The roof must be made so that it provides shade during the day but the stars are visible at night. These huts commemorate Jewish people's housing as they travelled the 40 years in the desert after leaving Egypt (as in the story from the Bible).
Our Sukkah went up today. This is the first year we have a full sized Sukkah. Last year we used a Pop Up Sukkah which was very cute and very cozy. We recently had the backyard redone (you do not want to see the before pictures, we're talking dead grass, decaying deck...). We added a pergola to the design which would act as our frame for the Sukkah (and give us shade the rest of the warm season).
The area and our son acting as general contractor. |
The Schach (roof). This one is a 10x16 roll of bamboo mat. |
My husband is proud that the schach covers the area. |
Added support for the tarp walls. The walls can't sway too much, since we are using tarp we needed to find a way to keep the walls more secure. |
A very massive tarp. It was cut in half before being installed. The walls are secured to the frame with bungee chords. |
And there it is! |
Next Sukkah post will show the inside (which will give me a chance to actually decorate the inside!).
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