Week 2 and we're almost half way there. I find the one thing that's challenging is that I'll find a combination I like, then I can't wear it again for the rest of the month. Doh! I'll probably do a post at the end of the outfits that I liked the best/least.
So here are the outfits from this week. I apologize for the clothing mess for Yom Kippur's outfit, it's horribly wrinkled, and I had an AMAZING head wrap with two scarves only I haven't been able to recreate it. Doh. I was also home all day one day this week, so I didn't do the challenge and stayed in comfy clothes. Maybe that's cheating?
I have been focused on necklaces as a statement, and patterns in general. I realized I can use my head scarves as my statement piece and just use an slightly understated necklace too.
I realize I've been wearing my new brown shoes lately too. I guess they just worked well with my outfits I chose. My legs are also painfully white. Sorry. I don't tan. The weather is starting to be cool enough for tights, so at least those will get hidden a bit more.
Thanks for reading!
You have a cute blog! Thanks for visiting mine...you look great...keep it up!