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I do this to myself every Elul. I want to reflect on the past year and improve. Only I never do much reflecting. I have been trying to find a daily meditation for Elul, but I think I would be better off setting myself up to write every day for 29 days. Who would like to join me? Below are the writing prompts I have come up with, of course nothing is written in stone, and if you can think of something to switch please let me know!
- Awaken
- Sin
- Forgiveness
- Repentance
- Renewal
- Cycle
- Synagogue (or personal place for Prayer)
- Shofar
- Prayer (Tefilah)
- Tzedakah (Charity)
- Reflection
- Cheshbon HaNefesh (Soul Accounting)
- Sweetness and honey
- (New) Year
Head Starting/Beginning*
- Apple
Honey Be(ing Present)*
- Pomegranate
- Gratitude
- Kindness
Compassion Judge*
Empathy Change*
- Torah
- The King
- Chana and Sarah and Infertility
- Family
- Psalm 27
- Book of Life
- Sealed (or Signed)
Teshuvah Plan (the Future)
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